Returns and Refund policy

We strive to provide prompt service, but sometimes customers may need to return an item, cancel an order, or qualify for a refund. The following refund policy is intended to provide consumers with detailed information about when and how to return an item. If you would like a refund, you must read the Refund Policy and follow its instructions.


Our policy is valid for 30 days. If it has been more than 30 days since your purchase was shipped, we are sorry we cannot accept returns.

Return Conditions

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused/unwashed, with all tags still attached, and in its original condition. The item must also be in its original packaging.

A product is considered faulty if it has a technical issue and is delivered to the customer.

Inaccurate product description: if the online description of the product is inaccurate.

If the color of the item is different from the online description, the item is incorrect.

Incorrect quantity

If the quantity of the item delivered is different from the quantity ordered, you are entitled to a return and refund.

Returns Process

To initiate a return, please email us at [email protected] with your order number and the reason why you would like to return the item. We will send you instructions via email.

Original Priced Items

We offer returns/refunds for items purchased at original price. The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs and the refund will be deducted from the original shipping costs.

Sale Items

We do not offer returns/refunds/exchanges for any DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS. This is the final payment.


When you want to exchange a purchased item for another item, please return the purchased item and order a new replacement item.


Actual shipping costs will be deducted from any refund, regardless of the amount the buyer paid for delivery. Refunds will be paid to your original account.

It takes 5-7 days for the refund to be credited to your account, if you have not received your refund within this time, please contact us at: [email protected] for assistance.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the return shipping costs will be deducted from your refund.

This policy does not apply when

Goods were purchased through promotional campaigns. The old days of returns are over.

The product has been improperly used, has lost its label, or has come into contact or rubbed against objects hard enough to cause scratches or damage to the product.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Returns and Refund policy, please feel free to contact our customer support team at: [email protected]